dragon at the wizarding world of harry potter fl

Christmas in The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter

Wizarding World Of Harry Potter

Ah, Christmas! That time of year when dragons are kind, all witches are good, and for a few short weeks, even Hogwarts is visible to everyone, as the holiday lights make it shine! If you are confused over that last sentence, it is obvious you are a muggle and may want to skip over the next 300 words or so; but for all you budding wizards, NOW is the time to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and enjoy their Christmas extravaganza! Vacome, along with Harry, Ron, and Hermione are sending you a special invitation to fun, excitement, and luxury so what are you waiting for?

Debuting Christmas at Hogwarts!

Throughout the rest of the year, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is everything you expect it will be; and so much more! Based off the uber-popular book series written by JK Rowling, which was turned into and even more popular movie series, muggles, wizards, house elves, and even some 3-headed dogs can be spotted celebrating the season as you explore the theme park, leading to some interesting events! Anyone who has read the book or seen the movies (is there anyone who hasn’t?) knows that Hogwarts, the wizard school, can never be seen by the muggles (humans who are not wizards). However, for this special season, it has been illuminated by a special spell and is dressed in its holiday finest! Offering carolers dressed as Harry Potter characters. Its not the students flying around on their brooms that will surprise you, but the ghosts who make special appearances throughout the park, singing their own special versions of our favorite Christmas Carols! (A Witch and Wizards Wintry Wondrous Land just may bring a tear of joy to visitors!)

Shopping, Pudding, and Hot Butterbeer for All!

Each of the Harry Potter themed stores will be decorated in the styles their proprietors thought appropriate and will offer a variety of holiday themed gifts for the muggles to bring back to their children; stockings with the house crests from the various Hogwarts houses, magical snow globes, and Christmas ornaments whose festive themes will all be inspired by the book and movie. Food doesn’t magically appear as it does in the real world of Harry Potter, but their creative renditions of Christmas pudding and roast turkey will make you feel as if you were really there. Wash it all down with hot butterbeer and head back to the Christmas adventures of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter where rides and fun await!

Muggles Need Rest Too

And we at Vacome, promise that our homes will be ghost, Fluffy, and mandrake free; you’ll need the peace and quiet found here after a long day of hunting “the one who shall remain nameless!” Reserve yours today!
